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Modification Orders and Child Custody
After a court order is entered which sets forth the rights and duties of parents, custody of a child, residence of that child, parenting time with the child, support or other issues pertaining to the child, there may be changes in circumstances of one of the parents or the child that necessitates a modification of the prior order. In our rapidly changing and mobile society, it is not uncommon for a parent to seek a modification of a prior existing order. Even if the parents are in agreement for the changes, those changes must be set forth in a new order to be enforceable; otherwise, the existing order remains viable and can be enforced at any time.
Whether you have an agreement or not, it is important to contact a board-certified family law specialist like Michael Von Blon on your rights. There are different burdens of proof on modifying an existing order that you need to meet if you are the one requesting the change and that the other parent must prove if you are defending against the requested change.
Michael P. Von Blon at The Law Offices of Michael P. Von Blon has been licensed since 1981 and has been a board-certified family law specialist since 1991. He and his staff are available to answer your questions regarding child relocation or other family law matters. We can be reached by telephone at 713-681-5288 or by e-mail.